Jennifer Freed, renowned psychological astrologer, social and emotional education trainer, has spent over thirty years consulting clients on psychological, spiritual and educational topics. She frequently contributes to goop, and wrote best-selling novel “Use Your Planets Wisely”, Jennifer Freed.
SHIFT x Energy Muse
Heather Askinosie, Co-Founder of Energy Muse, has traveled the world for spiritual research and soon after began an energy lab in her home. Energy Muse combines crystal energy with spiritual research to create pieces of jewelry that help manifest aspirations into reality, Energy Muse.
SHIFT x Neel Van Lirop
Neel Van Lirop created Inner Compass from a combination of ancient wisdoms linking maya mythology, Taoism, Buddhism and the I Ching. Together, the Inner Compass cards can be used as a tool for reflection and personal growth, allowing users to explore new live pathways and perceptions with alternative themes and patterns, Inner Compass.
SHIFT x Mia Rigden
Mia Rigden believes that food is not a “one-size-fits-all” category, and thus created RASA. Her goal is to help clients find the foods that best fit their lifestyle, biology, and preferences, so that they may live a fuller and more productive lifestyle, Mia Rigden of RASA.